How to list rentals on online markets

Options to list rentals in Cyprus are endless in today's digital world.
Holding onto the past is not always a bad thing. That old jumper full of holes you still wear all weekend around the house. Going to the same beach every weekend because it brings back fond memories as a child. But the same cannot be said for the way you market your rental property in Cyprus. The days of paging through classifieds and highlighting ads, or driving around on a Sunday to check out open houses is long gone.
In order to be successful in today's rental market, you have to move online. The ability to reach a much larger audience, and tailor your marketing to reach the best tenants has never been easier. Today’s rental market is dominated by Millenials who who prefer to opt out of financial commitments like mortgages, which is great news for landlords. Below we offer some solutions to maximise your Cyprus rental listing so you can take control of the digital domain.
Become a people person
By this we mean get to know your market/target audience. All properties aren’t created equal, and what may be a dream rental property in Cyprus for one person, family or group, may not be suitable for another. Understand what makes your property valuable and stand out. Families will generally want homes closer to schools and city workers will more often than not require good access to transport for commuting.
Knowing the unique selling points of your property will help you know who to market to, which will guide you on how you choose your listing strategy. Getting an agent to assist you by surveying your rental property is one of the easiest ways to work out where and who to aim your advertising.
Get word wise
After determining who to market to, it's time to tailor your advertising. Potential tenants are viewing possibly dozens of properties each day online, so you need to make sure you stand out and grab their attention.
Try to put yourself in the position of a person seeking their next rental property. “Three bed flat with sea view” may tick some boxes, but it doesn't offer a wow factor. Consider what sets your property apart. Do you have a feature like a pool, garden or outside space? What are the unique surrounding features, like transport links, local parks, cosmopolitan dining options, or even something like private parking. Outlining what sets your property apart in a creative and inviting way is more likely to captivate potential renters and leave them wanting to find out more information.
Presentation is everything
From images online, to inviting tenants for a viewing, you cannot underestimate the value of a first impression. This starts with your property photos that link to your listing. Ditch the mobile phone and make sure you use a proper camera to capture clear and captivating photos. If you aren't sure you have the skill to do so, reach out to an agent who can help you take pictures that really bring out the best of your Cyprus property rental. Take multiple shots, both inside and out and choose the ones that you feel put your property in the best light.
This means also making the property look its most appealing, so look to clear the space, tackle the bushes in the back yard and maybe even throw a lick of paint on some areas that need attention.
Making the move to digitally market your Cyprus property rental can be incredibly fun, yet at the same time quite overwhelming. Luckily the team at QuickLets are well placed to offer you all the help you need. With an extensive database, incredibly experienced agents, and a knowledge of the market second to none, reaching out to us can help you make sense of the online world and how best to use it to your benefit.