Must do’s before listing your property for rent in Cyprus

Few people understand the time and effort that it takes in preparing to list your property for rent, and in doing so ensure a swift and successful process. From paperwork to paint, appliances through to aftercare, the checklist is never ending. However with our simple starter list of essentials to complete will have you ticking boxes and taking tenants in no time.
Fixing for success
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
The simplest, yet most often overlooked starting point is inspecting the property to ensure that everything is in working order. This is particularly relevant for property owners that have been listing a property for several years.
Over time, and particularly with an island climate, things like salt air and sunshine can degrade items faster than you think. Doors, windows, light fittings and bathroom fixtures are a good place to start, but make sure to go from top to bottom inspecting everything from electrical through to aesthetic. You would be surprised at the impact a quick paint touch up, or a tightened faucet can have on securing a tenant.
Clean and clear
Following and linked very closely with repair work is the actual cleaning of the property. As noted before, this is especially relevant with a property which has already been listed previously and had tenants in.
It helps to do an initial survey to see the significant problem areas and tackle them first, especially is specialist help is required. Take special note if windows and walls and blinds, the most commonly neglected areas of a house by tenants. Follow this with a close inspection of floors, particularly carpeted areas and corners which are sometimes hard to reach and therefore forgotten.
Once all of this has been done, check and check again, as there are bound to be areas that have been missed (tip: inside the microwave and oven are commonly overlooked). It helps to even leave a few basic cleaning items in the property to indicate to potential tenants that it's appreciated if they treat the property as if it was their own.
Property Papparazzi
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
Apart from the description, good property photos are the most important thing when it comes to catching potential tenants eyes with your advert, and in so doing secure a viewing.
Photographing properties takes a lot of skill to really capture the space and show the space in the best possible way. However not everyone has experience with cameras, or has access to proper photopgraphy equipment. In this instance, you can look to call on a friend or external company, but we would suggest contacting Quicklets Cyprus directly. With a wealth of experience and the desire to market your property as effectively as possible, They are best suited to help with taking professional pictures. Don’t forget that these photos can also be used to market through social media, not just your agent, and therefore reach a greater audience of potential tenants.
Setting your price
Here’s where it really pays to do your research, and so ensure that you get the best possible price for your listing.
Look at the neighbourhood where your property is situated. Take note of the current rental market, as well as any recent renovations or updates to surrounding properties that will impact the general property rental price in the area. Also consider the duration and season that you will be renting in. A short term summer rental can generally go for a bit more than a winter let, although a lower priced, but long term let can provide a stable and guaranteed income.
Again this is all something that can be discussed in detail with your estate agent, especially given that they will have experience in the Cyprus property rental market.
Not so secret agent
Often checking through all of the above can be a bit too much for someone to handle on their own. Working with people who have the necessary experience can help you get your property prepared, occupied, and for more money.
QuickLets Cyprus have a dedicated team of professionals to handle each and every aspect of the rental process, from start to finish. This allows you to step back and enjoy Cyprus while we handle the rest. If you would like to know more, please visit our website, or alternatively come and see us in branch and together we can help get your property listed successfully.
Main blog photo by Datingscout on Unsplash