Why should you rent property in Cyprus?

Apart from the incredible scenery, rich culture and mouth watering cuisine, there are literally dozens of reasons why Cyprus is easily considered a prime destination for people to set themselves up in a dream property rental. Below we will show you just a few.
Sea sand, sun tan, and then some
The most obvious reason that jumps to most people's minds is the absolutely incredible climate. Averaging around 320 days of sunshine a year, and a seemingly endless summer, Cyprus is a Mediterranean dreamscape. Beaches that stretch far beyond what the eye can see, forests practically dripping sunshine through their canopies, and promenades littered with locations to stop and enjoy a local brandy sour. Pair this with the absolutely sensational traditional cuisine and you can see why so many people are packing their bags and making the move to these white sandy shores.
But it's not just for the beach lovers. Most people are shocked to hear that Cyprus can actually get snow in winter, although you have to climb to the higher parts of the mountainous region to find it, and in doing so can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Going where the wind blows
A significant portion of expats in Cyprus choose to rent purely because of the freedom that it brings. After all, moving to a new country, it makes sense that you want to wander and explore everything that your new adoptive home has to offer. Renting provides the opportunity to close the shutters and bolt the front door every so often as you go off and search for pastures new. Fancy 6 months in Limassol heading inland to go and spend a year in Nicosia? With renting, you can.
Money talks
Photo by Joe Pizzio on Unsplash
Perhaps the most encouraging incentive though is the bang for your buck. Whilst Cyprus seems to be the land of milk and honey, it still has a tendency to cater for a strong tourist market, and often the prices provided for holiday breaks reflects this. However, for a lot of land owners, they desire a bit more of a modest, yet constant form of income. This means that you can often acquire a holiday class home with all the trimmings such as private pool, multiple and spacious rooms, and all for a fraction of the cost. In fact more often than not you can secure a villa or equally dream like abode in the same street as homes that do holiday packages charging ten times as much, and all because you are willing to commit to a long term let of a few months, as opposed to days.
Business sense
Photo by Daria Mamont on Unsplash
Owing to global events, the past year or so has seen an noted increase in the volume of people who are required, or desire, to work remotely. This digital nomad lifestyle brings with it the chance to work from anywhere in the world. And what could be better than waking up in Paphos, sipping your coffee and having a relaxed morning swim before switching on your laptop for a video conference in a smart shirt and beach shorts? Not much we think.
Coupled with the rather sensible double taxation treaties, Those who choose to set up shop on these sunny shores can also rest easy knowing that financially they are safe and secure.
The list goes on and on, but at the end of the day you need to see it for yourself. Why not take a glance through the Quicklets Cyprus website or contact one of our experienced agents and we can discuss all the options available to you.